Research Themes - Surface Coating and Treatment (RTS)
The scientific activity of our team is at the convergence of skills between synthesis and shaping of functional materials, electrochemistry and physico-chemistry of interfaces. Our research group is composed of chemists in materials science, inorganic synthesis, electrochemists and characterization specialists (in particular in the field of surface mechanics). Activity of the team is also focused on the development of multi-functional inorganic or hybrid materials. The development of these (nano) materials is mainly based on wet routes such as sol-gel, anodization, electrophoresis, conversion and coordination chemistry. Our team gathers expertise in surface engineering and aims at designing and establishing innovative processes to reach modified surfaces. A surface modification of a substrate combines the substrate and the surface material, the latter being either an additional coating or directly coming from the substrate in case of surface treatment. More often, both are used in the setting-up of the process. Then it comes to establish multi-functional properties of the obtained coatings or of the modified surfaces according to their composition, microstructure, mechanical and physical properties (thermal, lubricant, (photo)catalytical, optical, electrical, …)
Basically, our research interest is focused on the understanding of coatings growth processes. The mechanisms of coating formation involve various reactions at the solid-liquid interface when being elaborated and at the solid-gas interface when heated.
Our scientific positioning is shared between recognized fundamental research and development of new materials and processes after their evaluation under operational conditions.
The scientific production is around 32 papers/year (IFmean= 5.2) and 4 priority patents/year which corresponds to a good balance between fundamental and more finalized research.
These studies find applications in various areas (energy storage and conversion, aeronautics and space, catalysis, mechanics, sustainable environment,...) and promote our scientific activities involved in industrial partnerships (with large or medium-sized companies).